Our Private Dog Training Lessons are one-on-one lessons with a trainer. Our clients frequently come to us because of unwanted behaviors, like barking at people or dogs, aggression, pulling on the leash, jumping, and anxiety. Their dogs often have some basic training (sit, stay, down, come), but only listen when their owners have food, or in the privacy of the home or backyard, but do not listen in real life situations such as walking the dog in public areas, and going to dog friendly events or family outings. The dog intended to become part of the "family" has instead become a hindrance. Owners feel overwhelmed by the lack of control they have over their dog(s)/puppy.
The solution is to train the dog with the owner in a location with high levels of distraction (strollers, bikes, kids playing, dogs, etc.) We empower our clients with the tools to both praise and make appropriate corrections when needed, restoring pack leadership. We provide a step-by-step process for the owners to work through bad behavior, which can include working on issues at the home, if needed. Dog training lessons usually last 45 minutes and will always end on a positive note.

Evaluation: $100 (Required for all packages)
The evaluation allows the trainers to assess the dog and identify unwanted behaviors. The trainer will first observe you and your family with your dog in order to evaluate and explain the most effective way to move you and your dog forward. LHDT strives to give each owner the tools to become an effective pack leader in your home and the outside world.
One-on-one training with the trainer, dog, and owners
Basic Package
Basic obedience - sit, down, stay, release, leave it, heel, recalls, wait, and place
Leash skills
In home manners
Standard Package
This package is tailored to dogs who have minimal behavioral issues.
Intermediate obedience - sit, down, stay, release, leave it, heel, recalls, wait, and place
Intermediate leash skills
Intro to off leash work
In home and public manners
Medium to high distractions
Advanced Package
This package is appropriate for an owner who wants a higher level of training or for dogs who have some behavioral issues i.e. leash reactivity, aggression to dogs/people/kids/etc., shyness or timid behaviors.
High level obedience - sit, down, stay, release, leave it, heel, recalls, wait, and place
Advanced leash skills
Off leash work
In home and public manners
Medium to high distractions
* Please note: It is the owner's responsibility to practice and follow training techniques given by LHDT trainers.
LHDT guarantees the dogs success not the owners.